Labná is treated as a lesser known ruin because only an area of 300 square meters is open to visitors. Its numerous buildings are spread out over a much larger unrestored, undiscovered area. It is believed at least 3000 Maya lived here between the years 600-900 AD.
The main structures are connected by a series of sacb'e(o'ob) (white roads), the longest of which is shown in the photo below.

Labná is a great day trip from Mérida. We got off to a late start the day we went and didn't stop at other Puuc ruins that day. When we got there we were the only visitors on the site. The temples and buildings are set in an open flat area that is nestled in the Puuc. Other than the manicured lawn, the area is lush with vegetation and birdlife. The caretakers of the area are very laid back, and we took the opportunity to practice some of our Mayan language skills with them. They sell cold drinks and memorabilia and talk story with the visitors.
The first thing you see entering the site is the Palacio. It is one of the longest buildings in the region, very decoratively carved and quite well preserved. There are many impressive and unique carvings, including several of Chak, the rain god.
Contemplating the Palacio is Lynne, visiting from Alaska. This was the first Mayan ruin site she had ever visited.

Looking down the length of the main section of El Palacio.
Looking down the length of the main section of El Palacio.
This is the kind of place I can sit and think for hours about what all this means. A visit to Labná makes for an inspiring location to write or draw.
This is a reconstruction of Labná's most famous feature, the corbeled arch, connected to the Palacio by a long sacbé. This scan from the book "El Mundo Maya Reconstruido" written far as I can tell, several contributors. It shows the arch as it was thought to have been a link between two enclosed courtyards.
The Puuc architecture is known for its corbeled arches. The one below is part of the Palacio and we were in awe of its construction.

The longest sacbé here begins at the Palacio and leads to el Mirador, a pyramid topped by a temple topped by a Petén style facade. The pyramid is mostly rubble and cannot be climbed. The temple at the top is positioned to be a lookout, hence the name, El Mirador. It's a good example of the Maya building over sites, adding to sites, and the changes that occurred throughout their time.